
Sunday, February 8, 2009

This is thy way i Function!

Hey guy! after a really long time my energy got dropped down today as i'm finally done wit a complicated chemical investigation. So tot to pendown abt some interesting aspects abt scientific temper.

Not all scientists are scientists in core atleast they dt look at themself as a scientist. Not all has that burning zeal to contrubute something to science. Few are scientists by name and few do research just to get a Dr title. And many of my fellow scholars work for PhD degree coz they get paid like hell after PhD,n last week i had conversation with one of my fellow scholar - the way he spoke abt his research really made me irr..

But i, the way i function is totally different and am proud of my sci temper. In starting days of my career i used b in a impression that all who do PhD dedicates their lives for science...but the true color was not that..

Let me take that liberty to draw the way i function (not to boast myself)
I feel, if u have that spirit and passion to do research its just a honeymoon period and i enjoy every moment of my romance with my research~am free to think and i can do that totally out of the box. For last few months when i'm completely tired working in lab till early morning 2am and the moment i get on bed, trust me, my mind still spins with 2000 RPM..and, i wanna sleep! but..i can feel my mind is so fresh and active that it just can't slowdown...and somehow i have learned to skip in to sleep....and the dreams....ohoo shakks!! in dreams all molecules and modeling the reaction the reaction mechanisms the electron charge cloud ohhoo every night in a fantastic dreamland oops in ChemLand :-).
Most of my friends and my parents ask me "Naren how can u work like this ?like a mad dog! rite from morning 10am to 2am?"- trust me i seriously dt knw how i can manage all this things and my sleep...

But when i introspect myself i c my self as an layman trying to do real science...i mean really real science,trying to know more n more abt the secrets of nature and to try unlock them...this love affair with science(chemistry) is soo deep deep that its my strength and its my weakness....

I have paid heavily in my life both personally and emotionally to reach this position as repute young scientist with lots of ups and downs and when i just look back the path i have traveled, i just wonder how did i manage to get such a good fame in scientific line..

Just tears rolls in my eyes with joy....and i love this tipsy.... my dreams! the dream i had in my 10th class to b a great scientist by awesome contributions and my dream chasing is ON ever since that day.
This is the scientific temper i have n this is the way i function.

Funny Rite?? but it's my passion and its my life....It's me!

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