
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is a researcher's life

This post is an interesting mail sent to me by one of my research friend...just check it out its really true and this happens to all scholars who starts a all new RESEARCH LIFE!!

*Before joining PhD:*

- I want to win the Nobel Prize.
- I want to win the Turing Award.

*First year of PhD:*

- I want to finish PhD in two years.
- I want to publish papers only in top tier conferences.
- I want to make ground-breaking research.
- I want to win the best PhD Thesis award.

*Second year of PhD:*

- I want to finish PhD in 5 years.
- I want a problem.
- Shall I change my advisor?

*Third year of PhD:*

- I want a paper; I don't care which conference.
- Shall I change my topic?
- I want to be known as Dr bhOndOO.

*Fourth year of PhD:*

- I want to finish PhD!
- My industry-friends have two children by now. When will I get married?

*Fifth year of PhD:*

- Why did I come here?
- Why did I choose this advisor?
- Why did I choose this topic?

*Sixth year of PhD:*

- Someone give me a degree!
- I want to leave this place — for ever.
- Let me leave.

*Seventh year of PhD:*

- People call me uncle.
- She waited and finally married someone else.
- I don't want any degree. I just want to live peacefully.

wat say? isn't funny......yeah but its true......

Thursday, January 22, 2009

LIfe is a mission

Its just a random thoughts which i have a mid night coffee session with Karthik....hey thanks dude for that wonderful philosophical discussions.

I really dt knw if this post makes any sense or not but its just random sparks

Life is a mission. Every other definition of life is false, and leads all who accept it astray. Religion, science, philosophy, though still at variance upon many points, all agree in this, that every existence is an aim.Every action has an expected result,every dream has its own reason for existence,every feeling has a root cause,ask that guy who is in cloud nine he has his own reason to celebrate,ask that men who slept without food,he has his own story.Ask that broken heart guy who is smoking under that romantic moon light, he has his own saga.

Monday, January 12, 2009

How much is too much?How big is perfection? n How small is ideal?

Hey folks..can some one please let me know how much is too much? when u intend to do some task in life and u r on that way top gear..... do we really need to look back to check How big is perfection? n How small is ideal? shakkks is their a optimum level too?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Have you ever really loved a woman?

This the lyrics of a track by Bryan Adams.......i really enjoyed the track....n it's true,check it out the lyrics.......

Have you ever really loved a woman? To really love a woman,To understand her,You've got to know her deep inside....Hear every thought,See every dream,And give her wings when she wants to fly.Then when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms....You know you really love a woman, When you love a woman,You tell her that she's really wanted.When you love a woman,You tell her that she's the one.She needs somebody, to tell her that it's gonna last forever.So tell me have you ever really ... really, really ever loved a woman?To really love a woman,Let her hold you,Till you know how she needs to be touched.You've got to breathe her, really taste her,Till you can feel her in your blood.And when you see your unborn children in her eyes ...You know you really love a woman.When you love a woman,You tell her that she's really wanted.When you love a woman,You tell her that she's the one.She needs somebody, to tell her that it's gonna last forever.So tell me have you ever really ... really, really Loved a women?